Thursday, January 11, 2007


Un ampli con 300B a 1000 euro? SI!

tubeamp300b.jpg (163782 byte)

Max Power output 28W
RMS power 9 W 5%(THD)
Input  1mv  23 Hz -  27Khz  -0.5db
S/N Ratle 89 db
Input jacks 2
Output Load impadance: 4、8 ohms
Working state: class A,
Bias voltage state:Since the bias voltage
Tube (Every sound channel): Power 300B-98 x 1,Voltage 6SN7 x 1,12AX7 x 1
Power Consumption <400W
suttle 29kg  EURO 980

the perfection of the sound given from the 300B tube is the maximum that a tube amps. can do. the right power for all sizez of rooms. this tube amps. is made for test and use everywere

Da usare con le Audes Blues 2900 euro

0_0001b5.htmlAudes blues


Non troverete nessun sistema ampli+casse a 4000 euro minimamente ra ffrontabile!


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