Tuesday, July 26, 2005


BardOne receiver

So what is it?
Well the Bardaudio system is a high end digital wireless sound distribution system from Sonneteer. Unlike other wireless systems, the Bard system is designed to be simple and with sound quality as its first priority.

The Bard system uses the latest digital technology to transmit your music in the 2.4GHz band, a much higher quality system than the acient FM band, to another part of your home. As we dont need to transmit anything but music information, the full bandwidth is used exclusively for music broadcast, and without compression, for best possible sound quality.

Unlike other wireless systems, we kept the processing simple too, there are no complicated software set ups, protocols, IP address, drivers etc. using up valuable processing power... Our processing unit does only one thing... process the music.

In the Bard range you will find:

Bardone Digital Audio Link        Bard USB - High End USB transmitter        Bardthree - High End Digital Wire Free Amplifier

One thing’s for sure, we will keep it simple.

Wireless possibilities

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